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Slamp quiere redefinir el concepto de iluminación
en escenas luminosas tan impactantes que se conviertan en algo necesario.


Creamos lámparas que definen escenarios emocionales en espacios interiores y exteriores.

Lámparas con una fuerte identidad y reconocibilidad, ligeras y elegantes.

Lámparas concebidas por grandes arquitectos, diseñadores y artistas internacionales.

Lámparas imbuidas de estilo italiano, hechas a mano por las talentosas Costureras de la Luz, según estrictos procesos de calidad y sostenibilidad.


Slamp dedica lámparas decorativas de diseño, capturando los estímulos más actuales, inspirándose en la naturaleza, en los virtuosismos arquitectónicos y sartoriales y en las tendencias artísticas y los transforma en objetos luminosos, sugerentes y versátiles gracias al empleo de materiales de nueva generación y a una especial habilidad manual en el arte de ensamblar elementos, componiendo y dando vida a un lujoso panorama figurativo.


Hotel, restaurante, bed and breakfast, tienda, vivienda u oficina: sea cual sea el tipo de estructura que estés diseñando, reformando o sencillamente adaptando a tendencias más contemporáneas, las colecciones de Slamp te ofrecen soluciones que equilibran a la perfección los estándares luminotécnicos internacionales, la originalidad y un diseño atractivo.


Utilizamos tecnopolímeros flexibles, resistentes y duraderos, con excelentes propiedades térmicas, químicas y eléctricas. Los cortamos en frío, reduciendo las emisiones de CO2 y con un bajo consumo energético. Reciclamos los residuos de producción transformándolos en nuevos objectos.


Al tener el privilegio de contribuir a la creación de un modelo cultural sostenible, sistémico e inclusivo, una empresa es responsable de su impacto en la sociedad. Llevar a cabo un proyecto de forma sostenible significa gestionar eficaz y estratégicamente los recursos disponibles, ya sean naturales, financieros, humanos o relacionales.

Pictured: Roberto Ziliani - CEO Slamp - Compasso d'Oro alla Carriera 2024

1994 - 2024
Slamp, The Leading Light
know-how built up over 30 years of research and development
    2024 - COMPASSO D'ORO

    Coincidiendo con el 30 aniversario de Slamp, Roberto Ziliani, CEO y fundador de la marca, recibió el Compasso d'Oro alla Carriera 2024 de ADI

    "Una carrera que ha sabido conjugar industria y artesanía, arte y diseño, siempre atenta a la relación con su territorio. Una carrera construida a través de una cultura multidisciplinar que parte ante todo de su pasión contagiosa". 


    Slamp's brand identity and value scheme can be found in the flagship store, opened in one of the design capitals London, in the Knightsbridge district. The design of the store-curated by Artistic Director Luca Mazza-reflects the company's aesthetic values: we find the use of the Roman arch, an ever-present element of the brand's architecture, and the clever choice of color that places Slamp as a trendsetter of fashions in the designer lighting scene.


    The material manipulation technique perfected with Marc Sadler (patented under the name Technoforming) by which Slamp's technopolymer is brought to a softening point and then manipulated by hand, allows for the creation of unique pieces and shapes that can never be slavishly reproduced, which have resulted in the already iconic Accordéon, LaFleur and Tulip collections.


    Poetics in balance with international lighting standards, the manufacturing tradition of Made in Italy in dialogue with research and technical innovation, allow Slamp to patent the revolutionary Nuvem system, Miguel Arruda's ceiling-lamp system, distinguished by the possibility of generating infinite and dynamic forms through a system of joints and hooks.


    A new 10.000-square-meter production facility and creative hub is inaugurated in Pomezia, just outside Rome. The beating heart of the new Creative Hub is La Via della Luce, an immersive path that allows visitors to discover how a lamp is born, from concept to shipment. Among the production lines, one has the chance to see with one's own eyes the sartorial mastery of the Sarte della Luce, specialized artisans who handle technopolymers like fabrics in their hands, giving life to real light sculptures.

    2013 - ZAHA HADID

    The need for contamination, for openness to broader and more heterogeneous horizons, the desire to push one's limits beyond the boundaries of design, leads Slamp to open a dialogue with Zaha Hadid - leading architect of the deconstructivist current, Pritzker Price in 2004, among the 100 most influential personalities in the world according to TIME in 2010. This is the genesis of the Aria and Avia collections, now masterpieces.


    From the eridity of Katalogos, under the editorial guidance of Cristina Morozzi and together with Erika Martino, Luca Mazza, the company's Creative Director and the Junior Art Director Noemi Patriarca - this digital editorial project uncovers trends in fashion, design, architecture and art. The contents of the first 24 issues were selected by publisher Rizzoli for the first print edition distributed in all bookstores in Italy entitled "The Moodboarders - Stories of Odd Design."


    In a prolific meeting between Roberto Ziliani and Fiona Swarovski, the brand's participation in the 2006 Swarovski Crystal Palace is defined. The designer who brings to life the revolutionary chandelier of methacrylate and crystals (Gina) - is Nigel Coates, a British architect and designer. Based on the new system of using materials and from the unusual use of its technopolymers, Medusa, Ginetta and Fiorella are born, which sanction Slamp's stylistic evolution in the decorative interior lighting segment.

    1997 - KATALOGOS

    Slamp's brand identity has been characterized, from the very first years, by the desire to place the product side by side with a wide-ranging cultural project, in which cinematography, art, set design and poetry become the inspiration and accompaniment of a design with an unconventional soul. To transfer this image of itself and its production of furniture objects, Slamp makes use of Katalogos, the so-called "non-catalogues", an essayistic production with ironic features, in which the aphorism becomes the main form of conveying even the commercial message.

    1994 - The VISIONARY IDEA

    At a time in history when the chandelier constituted an immobile and heavy object in home furnishings, Roberto Ziliani founded Slamp on the idea of Tube, the lamp to give as a gift and to give to yourself, an unbreakable and light totemic form that plays with graphic elements between POP and ART. The closeness to Alessandro Mendini - spokesman of radical Italian design in the world, twice Compasso D'Oro - leads Slamp to sign with him a collection of 13 Slamp-Tube, consistent with the trends of postering and 90s graffiti art of which Mendini himself, at the time Art Director also of Swatch, is a keen observer.